W eb hosting is a crucial part of any successfu l website. When you’re thinking about building a new website, your choice of host is probably one of the last things on your mind. But, neglecting to choose the right host can have disastrous effects on your website—and your business. With so many choices it’s easy to simply opt for the cheapest option. However, web hosting should be seen as an investment in your business. Think of your host as the foundation of your site. You wouldn’t build a home on a shaky foundation, and neither should you build a website with a low-quality host behind you. Below you’ll learn what it look for in a quality web host, and finally, for your business. What is Web Hosting? If this is your first time building a website, then you might not know what web hosting actually is. Here’s a quick breakdown. When you create a website, you essentially create a bunch of different files. These files need to be stored somewh...
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